and our mission is to provide

GOLF SHOP = 01400 250111
GOLF OFFICE = 01400 250796

Sudbrook Moor Golf Driving Range

Open to everyone

No need to book

Open daily, daylight hours;

We open at first light and close at dusk

We ask you, please, to arrive in daylight

 hours,   with sufficient time to use your 

vended   golf balls, and still leave

 before dark. 

Please do not arrive after daylight and

 expect to use the Range. 

 We close strictly at dusk.


GOLF SHOP 01400 250111


        OFFICE 01400 250796
The Sudbrook Moor 2025 Membership

I f you are interested in becoming a member,

please contact the Golf Shop on 01400 250111


the Golf Office on 01400 250796

and we will contact you about the opportunities

of becoming a member

Our Handicap Chairman, Darren, will continue to provide us with up to the minute application of the World Handicap System.

A message for our Members

We are very grateful for another year, when you have continued to support us by playing your golf at Sudbrook Moor Golf Club.  Thank you for your commitment, particularly when you take advantage of our Pre-Christmas special Unbroken Loyalty Membership Fee, giving us confidence that our somewhat unique system of golf club membership will be viable again into another year.  Membership at Sudbrook Moor has evolved into a structure that provides a very low financial commitment, with modest pay-and-play fees and it would be difficult to replicate this at another golf club.  Successful as the system has been so far, it holds no guarantees of meeting running costs, except for a steady flow of Members week by week, deciding to play golf at Sudbrook Moor.  In this we trust and in this we remain committed: to an ever improving golfing venue, keeping fees as low as possible in order to provide the best possible value.

There are many things that we are thankful for.  The land drains very well, providing us with a golf course that is in good playing condition all year round.  We are in a very pleasant part of the countryside enjoying some of the best weather.  Our plot of land works well with ample parking, Clubhouse, Changing Rooms, Golf Shop and Practice Facilities, including the Driving Range, Putting Greens, Chipping Green and Practice Bunker.  Most of all, there is a friendly atmosphere around the golf club and the credit for this we give you, the Members, with our grateful thanks.                     .

As well as these assets, over which we have little control, we are a proprietary owned golf course, committed to putting our Members first.  An example of this, differentiating us from other golf clubs, is that we try to keep the Tee open for play, with very few reservations, so that our Members can turn up and play almost anytime.  To this end, we do not have visiting Golf Societies, which is a necessity that most other golf clubs are committed to financially, thereby closing their courses to Members for long periods of time.  In addition, we do our best to make every visit you make to your golf club an experience that is as enjoyable as possible.  We are so fortunate to have staff who are naturally friendly and helpful.  It is vitally important that we keep our service the best we can offer and we will implement any refinement, if it offers benefit to the majority of the membership.  Thank you when you share your observations and feedback with us.

Golf is recognised to be one of the best participation sports providing a lifelong leisure activity.  It offers fresh air and gentle exercise with your friends, whilst always making new friends.  In fact, it is not surprising that a Swedish study indicates that playing golf adds years to our lives!  So whether you come along to Carlton Scroop to have a round on the Putting Green and a coffee in the Clubhouse or you are here to win the Club Championship, we thank you for your support and wish you many more years of enjoyable golf at Sudbrook Moor Golf Club.

Great day on Saturday 26th September 2015


Usually appearing at PGA Tour Events and Ryder Cups, David Edwards performed his World No1 

News: 20th June 2015

Proud Dad, Ian, with Darren holding The Ken Crowe Challenge Trophy.
Darren won the trophy with a net 60 in the May Monthly Medal.


Longest Day Challenge - early morning on the 6th hole
please see details on Facebook

Andy Newman wins Ace of the Year 2015

Local historian, David Bristow, has written an account of a tragic incident during world war 2, when 2 American aircraft collided above what is now Sudbrook Moor Golf Club. You will see from the picture that one of the propellers landed ne ar the railway bridge. The picture has been produced from an original photo of the propeller and a contemporary photo of the bridge. We are selling copies of the book for David in the Golf Shop, priced £7.99.

Autumn at Sudbrook Moor
enjoying warm and relatively dry weather

Jim Korski recently presented  with the
England Golf London Pride Gold Medal, which he won in June.

Please copy and paste this link to
Sudbrook Moor Golf Club U Tube Channel
a series of short video clips for Sudbrook Moor Members

The New 8th / 17th Green is open for play.

Please see below - BEFORE and AFTER

Green above now in play

The reason for the renovation of the 8th / 17th green:
pictured below, the leylandi trees were taking all of the
moisture  from the green and surrounds.

We knew we were taking on a big job !

Reshaping the 9th / 18th Tee and rebuilding the wall.

Building a new pathway.

Erecting the safety fence.
( this fence is to protect the 8th / 17th Green
from errant low flying tee shots
from the 9th / 18th Tee.
It is not there to protect the 9th / 18th Tee
from errant high flying shots to the 8th / 17th Green.
In this case normal golfing etiqette applies
i.e. do not play unless it is safe to do so
or shout FORE if ball is heading towards someone. )

Removing 30 + Leylandi trees and roots.

Importing soil and landscaping surrounds.

Turfing surrounds.

Extending green.

More BEFORE and AFTER - 8th / 17th Renovation

April 2014

Ladies' Club Championship
Left to right:

Alison Reid
( Thank you to Alison for Starting the Competition
and providing Half Way House Drinks and Cake )

Caroline Davis 3rd

Winner of the Ladies' Club Championship
and the Leglines Trophy ( Best Net ), Judith Hutton
( on her way to winning, Judith scored a 2 on the 5th !! )

Claire Lowes 2nd

Steve Davis, Sudbrook Moor Competition Secretary.

 Ash Tree on the 8th had some surgery. Note where the surgeon is !


Please copy and paste this link to
Sudbrook Moor Golf Club U Tube Channel
a series of short video clips for Sudbrook Moor Members