If you would like immediate information,
please do not hesitate to give us a call anytime

GOLF SHOP 01400 250111


GOLF OFFICE 01400 250796

Sudbrook Moor Golf Club, Charity Street, Carlton Scroop, Grantham, Lincolnshire. 

NG32 3AT

The Sudbrook Moor 2025 Membership

if you are interested in becoming a member.

please contact the Golf Shop on 01400 250111


the Golf Office on 01400 250796

Sudbrook Moor Golf Driving Range

Open to everyone

No need to book

Open daily, daylight hours;

We open at first light and close at dusk

We ask you, please, to arrive in daylight

 hours,   with sufficient time to use your 

vended   golf balls, and still leave

 before dark. 

Please do not arrive after daylight and

 expect to use the Range. 

 We close strictly at dusk.



Clubhouse Catering

TELEPHONE = 01400 250876
Freshly prepared meals
Teas  Coffees  Beers  Soft Drinks  Snacks

SUDBROOK MOOR GOLF CLUB makes it easy for you to play golf, providing affordable, quality golf, in a friendly atmosphere.   Situated 6 miles North East of Grantham, the club was created and developed by award winning PGA professional Tim Hutton and is managed with the help of his wife Judith and family, Ben and Simon.  An ideal setting for both starters and more experienced players, the course is testing, without being too demanding upon your stamina.   Holes range from 130 to 430 yards.   Other practice facilities include a Driving Range with top quality tee mats and golf balls, putting greens, chipping green and a practice bunker.

The original course of 6 holes was laid out in 1986.   This was followed by the purchase of another larger field in 1990, when the new 9 holes gained English Golf Union affiliation.   Following the acquisition of the old railway line in 1997, the course was redesigned with 2 completely new holes.   This provides a more spacious set up with added length, leaving the practice ground, which was once part of the first fairway, standing alone.   The second 9 holes is played to different flags, providing an 18 hole experience.   (see Course map and Scorecard )   The 12 bay Driving Range, Coaching Bay, Golf Shop, Mower Store and Changing Facilities were developed in 2005.

Sudbrook Moor Golf Course is maintained and developed with the latest techniques and equipment of Fineturf, one of the country's leading turf care companies.  With a policy of ongoing improvements and refinements, Sudbrook Moor is now considered by many to be the best 9 hole golf course and golf facility in the area, offering great value for money.

PGA Professional and Director of Golf Tim Hutton, started his career with 6 years as Assistant Professional to 5 time Ryder Cup Captain, Dai Rees CBE and travelled extensively as a tournament player.   He was Club Professional at Sleaford Golf Club for 12 years before designing and building Sudbrook Moor.   Tim is an Honorary Member of the Golf Foundation and has received The Sir Henry Cotton Award for meritorious services to junior golf.   Tim is a Fellow of The Professional Golfers Association and has been a Midland PGA Professional of the Year, a title since held by Lee Westwood.

If you would like immediate information,
please do not hesitate to give us a call anytime.
GOLF SHOP - 01400 250111  - 8am  -  5pm/6pm SEASONAL
OFFICE  -  01400 250796 ANYTIME
At Sudbrook Moor we believe in having the Course and its 1st/10th Tee Open for Play to Everyone as much as possible. There are only a few COURSE CLOSURES during the year and we do not have visiting Societies.
The main COURSE CLOSURE on the 2nd Saturday of each month. This is when the club holds its Major Monthly Qualifying Medal Competition. The 1st/10th Tee is Reserved from 1st Light until all Competitors have cleared the 10th Hole. Course usually re-opens for General Play at 12.30pm  >1pm approx.
There are a few COUSE CLOSURES on Saturday afternoons from April until September for our A-Team's home league match fixtures. These dates are listed on the Fixtures and Events Pages. The Tee will usually be reserved from 12:30pm to 4pm on these occasions.
The very few other Tee Reservations will be posted in advance, so please check the calendar and notices of these to avoid disappointment.

                                                                                                                           This is the best 9 hole golf course I have ever played. It has matured well over the years and although it is relatively short with no par 5's, everything is relatively tight with greens to compliment and they have 18 pins. Some are on separate greens and some greens are shared, but it is nice to have the differences.
Accuracy does you far more good than being able to hit a long way and there is good shape to many of the holes. This course also has to be the best value 9 hole I have ever played. The quality the course is kept in is always very good.
I would highly recommend the course.
Value For Money: Good
Mark: 9
Richard Howes

Arial of course

 Picture taken in 2000
Sudbrook Moor is a 9 hole golf course situated in a beautiful part of West Lincolnshire Standing on free draining land the course is well established with mature trees, strategicaly placed water hazards and bunkers.  Playing to different pin positions for the back nine provides an 18 hole experience.

Driving Range, Golf Shop & Putting Green

The Golf Shop -     8am to 4pm (Winter) and 8am to 6pm (Summer)
The Golf Repair Workshop is available during Golf Shop hours for Club Repairs and Re-Gripping.
The Golf Academy - Please see PGA Professionals for coaching times.
Sudbrook Moor also has a well stocked Golf Shop providing the main brands of Golf Equipment such as:
Sudbrook Moor operates a relaxed Dress Code however we do ask Member's and Visitors to follow this guideline:
SMGC has a relaxed dress code. However, players are requested to dress smartly in clothes normally associated with golf. Shorts must be tailored and men's shirts must have sleeves. Note reference shorts: Beachwear type are not allowed. 
Note reference shoes: Trainers or any flat shoes are allowed. Golf shoes with metal or softspikes.
Sudbrook Moor Members are reminded to check our Competition Conditions for the Dress Code for playing in all Sudbrook Moor Competitions.  Denims are not allowed when playing Official Sudbrook Moor Competitions. (Medals, Stablefords etc) Failure to comply with these extra Conditions will result in Disqualification from the Competition.

Safety at Sudbrook Moor Golf Club, Driving Range and Practice Facilities

All of the facilities and playing areas at Sudbrook Moor have been professionally designed and laid out with safety of use in mind.

This statement has been prepared by Tim Hutton, who currently has 59 years of experience in golf.  With 52 years as a professional golfer, his experience has been as a European Tour player, a golf club professional, a golf course designer and constructor, a golf coach, a retailer and a golf club director.

Sudbrook Moor was designed to accommodate beginners and established golfers.  The golf course was designed and routed in such a way as to minimize the danger from errant golf shots.  In addition to these considerations on the golf course, the teeing areas have been organized in such a way as to control where golfers accumulate, reducing the danger of serious injury from fast moving golf balls, including rebounds.

In the 35 years of Sudbrook Moor, to date, there have been very few incidents of injury on the playing areas.  These have been minor injuries incurred by golfers not standing in the appropriate places, when waiting for other golfers to play their shots.

A golf course, at best, is still a place where freak occurrences can cause serious injury.  As well as endeavouring to reduce these possibilities to the minimum, it is incumbent upon golfers to be aware of the dangers and to be vigilant in their pursuits.

Young golfers at the Junior Coaching Sessions are made aware of some of the dangers of golf, with a strict code of movement around the Driving Range.  They are further mentored on the golf course by established players during the Junior Intermediate competitions.  Parents must stay with their children for the duration of the Junior Coaching Sessions.  For a child not to be in the presence of a parent on Sudbrook Moor Golf Club premises: this must only occur with the full approval of the parent and a specific time arranged for child and parent to be reunited.

Sudbrook Moor is a "self service golf course" and it is assumed that golfers are aware of the implications and dangers of playing golf.

If there is bad visibility, golfers play at their own discretion.  If there is a risk of lightning, golfers are advised not to play.

Juniors must have the full approval of their parents or guardians before they play on the Golf Course, the Driving Range or the Practice Facilities.  

                                                               Golf Handicaps

If you have an Official Golf Handicap Index Number and you provide us with Competition Scores, that information is managed by England Golf through the World Handicap System (WHS)

Sudbrook Moor Golf Club
Charity Street
Carlton Scroop
Grantham  NG32 3AT


Sudbrook Moor Golf Club Terms and Conditions

Sudbrook Moor Golf Club’s mission is to provide Affordable, Quality Golf in a Friendly Environment and to Create Golfers and Better Golf.  It is committed to promoting a safe and positive environment for all of those participating as golfers, workers and volunteers.


Membership and Fees
Membership is offered in two forms.
1. Pay and Play Membership: A Modest Annual Fee and Modest 9 Hole and 18 Hole Green Fees.
2. Inclusive Membership: A modest Annual Fee that includes all Green Fees.
New Members and Renewing Lapsed Members will pay a modest Induction or Reinstatement Fee to Sudbrook Moor Members’ Funds.  Affiliation Fees to England Golf, The Lincolnshire Union of  Golf Clubs and The Lincolnshire Women’s Golf Association will be collected at the time of payment of Membership Fees.
The modest Annual Member’s Levy, payable to the Sudbrook Moor Members’ Fund, will also be collected with Membership Fees.
Membership can be relinquished at any time but Yearly Fees are not refundable or transferable.
Members must abide by:  The Royal and Ancient Rules of Golf and Etiquette, England Golf, Sudbrook Moor Golf Club Terms and Conditions and Sudbrook Moor Golf Club Members’ Competition Rules.

Visitors and Fees
Golf is available to Visitors at Green Fee rates published at the time.

Tee Booking System
Members and Visitors book Tee Times online.   Members are responsible for ensuring that Guests’ Green Fees are paid.  Tee Time Bookings can be cancelled only before the booked Tee Time.  Visitors booking through Golf Now and wishing to cancel a booking must obtain a refund through Golf Now.  Visitors booking through the Sudbrook Moor Golf Club website, wishing to cancel, must obtain an alternative Tee Time by telephoning the Golf Shop during the Daytime.  At other times, telephone the Office. However, there is no guarantee that the Office will always be available.

Opening Hours
Appropriate Opening Hours will be determined by the Proprietors, to best fulfil the needs of the Members and Visitors.  The Golf Course is closed during hours of darkness.

Ride-On Buggies
Single Seater Ride-On Buggies are allowed, subject to prevailing conditions on the Golf Course.
2(+) Seater Ride on Buggies, are not allowed.

Members’ Committee
The Members’ Committee is appointed to administer Competitions, Golf Handicaps and Associated Monies.  The Committee is appointed by the Proprietors and approved by the Membership at the AGM.
The Members’ Committee is a completely autonomous body, operating entirely separately from the Proprietors.  The Sudbrook Moor Golf Club Members’ Fund belongs to the Members and not the Proprietors.
An AGM is arranged, with the given date publicised at least 4 weeks in advance.  Matters to be discussed in “Any Other Business” must be submitted in writing to the Proprietors at least 2 weeks in advance of the AGM.  For Competition and Handicap matters, the Members’ Committee’s decisions will be final.

Team Captains
The Proprietors will appoint Scratch Team Captains and Senior Team Captains.

Staff are appointed by the Proprietors to take care of the day to day needs of the Members and Visitors.

Golf Course
Golfers must play safely at all times and leave the Golf Course as they would wish to find it.  Bunkers must be raked, Divots replaced and Pitch Marks repaired on the Greens.  Golfers must have a Bag of Clubs exclusive to their own use.  Loan Bags are available at the Golf Shop.

Prevailing Conditions
Sudbrook Moor is a Self Service Golf Course.  Members and Visitors book Tee Times and Turn Up and Play.  Members and Visitors play at their own risk.
At times of Low Visibility or if there is a threat of Lightning, you are advised not to play.  If you are caught in Lightning, you are advised to be familiar with the Met Office Guidelines.
( )

Driving Range
Due care and attention must be shown by all Golfers using the Driving Range.  Children 14 years and under must be accompanied by an adult.  At no time must any Golfer venture on to the grass in front of the Driving Range.  Balls and Baskets must not be removed from the Premises.  The Golf Range is closed during hours of darkness.  ( Large quantities of Range Balls must not be purchased when the Range is due to close )

The Clubhouse will be open for catering at times determined by the Proprietors and is generally closed on Sundays.

Golf Shop
The Golf Shop opening hours are determined as appropriate by the Proprietors.  It serves as a Reception Area with Golf Equipment, Refreshments and Club Repairs.

Members and Visitors using the Lobby and Toilets are required to leave these areas as they would wish to find them.

Car Park
Vehicles, and any property therein, are parked at the risk of the owner.

Injury and Damage
Members and Visitors will be expected to make recompense for any Injury or Damage they may cause to Persons or Property on Sudbrook Moor Golf Club premises.  Members and Visitors are advised to ensure that they are suitably insured.  ( Members are covered by Limited Liability Insurance as Affiliated Members of England Golf.  Members are advised to be fully aware of the conditions and limitations of this insurance).  The Proprietors will not accept responsibility for any Accidents, Damage or Losses caused to Persons or Property, by Members or Visitors on Sudbrook Moor Golf Club Premises.

Dress Code
Golfers are required to dress smartly in clothes appropriate to golf.  Shirts must have sleeves.  Shorts must be tailored.

If a golfer has a special need, Service Dogs can accompany their owner, on a close lead, during play on the Golf Course.  Any dog waste must be removed from the premises by the dog walker.

No notices can be displayed unless approved by the Proprietors.

Complaints and Feedback must be addressed to the Proprietors

Proprietors Decisions will be final

Sudbrook Moor Golf Club
Charity Street
Carlton Scroop
Lincolnshire NG32 3AT
Golf Shop = 01400 250111
Golf Office  =  01400 250796